Farm Animals and Grow Food with Fish - Day Trips (Key Stages 1-2)

Provided by
Educational content: Farmer Gow’s Education Ltd & Smart Greens UK
February - November
Suitable for
upper Key Stage 1 to lower Key Stage 2
Full details
A Farm Animals and Growing Food with Fish programme, to educate and inspire pupils studying animals, plants, food, diet, natural and food sciences, particularly focusing on workshops suitable for children at upper Key Stage 1 to lower Key Stage 2.
Farmer Gow's and Smart Greens UK offer practical cross-curriculum and STEM education approach using traditional rearing of farm animals and growing plants on a commercial-scale Aquaponics system, as the basis for teaching and pupil engagement. Our teaching has particular relevance to the core competences and the framework of skills and knowledge around farming, animals food and diet.
A school/group day trip includes the following workshops:
- Meet our Chicks and Animals
- Meet our Fowl and Follow the Farm Trail
- Growing Food with Fish
Full details